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Thursday 2 October 2008

Thanks to everyone who raised their mug

Here at the Bognor Cookshop, we would like to thank all our customers and those who joined us for our Tea Party in association with the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.

The event was a huge hit and together we raised £106 for Cancer Support. However, our fundraising efforts are not going to stop there. We are going to continue to sell recipe cards in-store at the bargain price of 25p, with the whole 25p going to Macmillan and our ‘Old & Unwanted Foreign Currency’ box is also going to remain a permanent feature, so if you manage to escape for a winter holiday remember to bring in your leftover change.

For more information regarding the local success of the Macmillan Coffee Mornings, and to see a photo of the Tea Party in the Bognor Cookshop pick up a copy of the Bognor or Chichester Observer, or click here to read online.

Keep and eye for more Bognor Cookshop Macmillan events… you never know what Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Late Night Shopping evenings might spring up!

Thanks again for all your efforts in helping to make our Tea Party a success,
