Our website - for all your cookery needs

Friday 22 August 2008

Get the bucket and spade out, Alessi is coming to Bognor Regis

Welcome to the Bognor Cookshop blog. Here you will find updates on the goings on of the shop and the website, found at We will be posting products, tips and recipes as well as lovely chit chat provided by myself.

As those of you that have visited us will know, we are a small independent retailer and pride ourselves on this. We like to give our customers what they want and will endeavour to help any queries however big or small. If you are looking for something that is on our website, don’t hesitate to email us to find out if we can get hold of it. International customers? Don’t suffer without your muffin tins and toast racks in silence, let us know where you live and we will quote postage for you - we will send anywhere the post route goes.

This week I would like to talk about Alessi. Notorious in the design world for their beautiful yet functional ranges, this Italian Dream Factory is purely inspirational. We already stock Alessi in Chichester and have made the decision to bring the label to Bognor. The town is getting a little regeneration so why not the kitchen too? It is time to invest in kettles topped with birds, spaceship juicers and ice-cream bowls called ‘Big Love’ and brighten up the kitchen. I will be writing more about specific Alessi products in the future, but for now I just wanted to share that it is here – who said Bognor didn’t have class?

Do come down and visit the shop if you haven’t already, and if you have, why not join us for our official opening on Saturday 23rd August from 9.00am.

You can find us in person at The Bognor Cookshop, No.1 The Arcade, High Street, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 1LH and online at

Telephone: 01243 827750 Email:

Thanks for dropping in,
